Meeting Cherrydollface

Ok, so this will be the first time I'll be writing in english, just because I want this Lady could read it also!
The most of you already heard me talking about her, she's an American pin-up model that i have been following the last seven years, through the internet.
Seven years ago, I was looking for nice hairstyles on the internet and i found her.  I thought that she was so cute at the time, that i have been following her since then through all the media ways, facebook, instagram, google, where she makes her tutorials mostly about hair and makeup but also much more!
the more I followed her the more i like her , she became a big inspiration for me, i think we all have someone to look up, and she is that one person for me.although i didn't know her personally i felt  that by seeing her tutorials, videos and pictures that she is a very special kind and sweet person.
she does hair & makeup workshops in America where she helps girls feeling beautiful! this year she came to Europe! i couldn't believe it!
Because I have the sweetest boyfriend in the whole universum i got from him as birthday present a one on one session with cherry dollface in England ( Brighton ).
This was such an exciting moment for me! could you imagine, following someone on the internet who's so far away from you, on the other side of the planet, and then suddenly they are just there in front of you doing your hair?  That's crazy!
I have to say that the hour past like the wind, too fast! but I had an amazing time with her, she was everything i was expecting, she is sweet down to earth and funny, that shows that's she is not only beautiful from outside but also from the inside!
I felt like i was just chatting with a good friend who says a lot awesome and totally and actually could do very nice hairdos! hihihi

I am so glad i had the chance to meet her!

Thank you so much my sweet love ,for giving me this opportunity!

you can find more about cherrydollface at youtube:

or instagram / facebook

or at her oficiaal page :

                                (fish facing with cherry just because we like to be silly)

If you like vintage / pin up hairstyles & makeup she is the person that will help you to get the best tips & tricks about it!
if you have the chance to book a group session or one on one session with her, just do it! you won't regret it!

                       Those are the famous victorian rolls, one of the most known vintage pinup hairdo! also one of the most difficult to make! cherry dollface can do them like no other!                

     fluffy vintage curls, they are so fluffy i am gonna dieeeeeeee hihihihi


  1. Oh, dat moet fantastisch zijn om je idool te ontmoeten! Super dat je er zo hard van genoten hebt, jouw Mark is toch echt one of a kind, he :)
    En ik vind dat jij en Cherry wat op elkaar lijken, allebei grote ogen en een schattig gezicht. En jij bent ook zo'n lieverdje, mooi van buiten én binnen. Jullie waren vast vriendinnen als jullie dicht bij elkaar zouden wonen!

  2. Hihi idd Mark is one of the kind ! En het was echt super om haar te mogen ontmoeten! Ik ga kijken of ik ze naar België kan brengen ! Volgende jaar wie weet ! Mark zegt dat ook soms dat wij soms op elkaar lijken maar dat is gewoon door de haar kleur en bruine ogen! Ze heeft heel mooie grote ogen ik heb kleine hoor . Hihihi


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